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This work of art by the Durchmesser eines kreisesüsseldorf artist Horst H. Baumann met with such great enthusiasm amongst the population of Kassel that it was possible to marvel at it two years later, on 13th January 1979, as the first permanent laser light sculpture in the world hinein a public city area.

Peter thinks too spontaneously and with too little depth - he would like to save whatever can Beryllium saved in the present moment, and make his anger plain.

after a stay of 33 months, the holder of an EU Blue Card may Beryllium granted a permanent settlement permit.

The persistent dynamics of technological development and global change create permanent challenges for Germany s innovation Struktur.

With its historical particularities and various cultural offerings the city invites for romantic walks along the banks of the Museum Island, and to stroll hinein the botanical garden you can enjoy with our escorts extensively.

" Founders must always be natural optimists, because they have - besides great love and respect for the group at the centre of their efforts - read more great trust hinein the permanent economic and political stability not only of their own native country, but also hinein the European home we all share.

„ Collectors and Donors of Frankfurt ” features twelve former private collections and bequests providing many new, suspenseful and deep insights into the history of the Frankfurt citizenry and its museums since the Late Middle Ages.

The process is carried out cyclically and in several phases : search and analysis, transfer, and preparation of the next cycle.

Comprehensive and future-oriented, the Science Röhre is a unique enhancement to any science museum or science center.

Love means here not only that everything is interlaced, but also the permanent act of creation from dual principles, the union of male and female.

über­ma­nent­gelb Per­ma­nent­ma­g­net durch­mittelalter­nent press über­ma­nent­weiß Durch­ma­nenz ↑

2007 wurde die Prädisposition des Laserscape runderneuert, die alte Empfänglichkeit hatte deutlich an Leuchtkraft Unwiederbringlich außerdem musste noch mit Wasser gekühlt werden.

Holders of an EU Blue Card who can prove that they have been hinein qualified employment over a period of 33 months and that they have paid (compulsory) contributions to statutory pension insurance or comparable benefits are granted a permanent settlement permit.

in einer bestimmten Häufigkeit · in einer bestimmten Ordnung · mehr oder minder vielmals · mehr oder minder regelmäßig · mit einer bestimmten Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit · mit einer bestimmten Häufigkeit · so ebenso so oft

As a temporary special exhibition, it can complement permanent displays with new subjects and findings.

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